by Susan Denisi | May 1, 2024 | Pollutants, Air Filters, Air Purifier, Airborne, Contaminants, Dehumidifier, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, iWave-R, Pollution, UV Lights, Whole-home
It’s National Clean Air Month – which means it’s the perfect time to talk about indoor air quality (IAQ). The quality of air within our homes plays a crucial but often overlooked role in our comfort and health. Frequently ignored because it’s not...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Allergens, Air Purifier, Airborne, Allergies, Control, Dehumidifier, Duct Cleaning, Environment, Ohio, Particles, Pollen, Practical, Smart Thermostat, Spring, Trigger, Whole-home
Did you know that March 19th is the first day of spring this year? It’s a time when we can enjoy warmer weather and beautiful flowers blooming all around. But, for many Ohio residents, spring also means dealing with seasonal allergies. You know, those pesky and...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | Spring, Benefits, Dehumidifier, Humidity, Humidity Levels, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, LRF Maintenance, Mildew, Moisture, Mold, Seasonal Change, Transition, Whole-home
It’s March, and this means it’s early springtime! Of course, early spring signifies warmer weather, which can also mean many other things in terms of air quality, etc. But today, we are discussing humidity levels, the accompanying problems, and how to...