by scottdebney | Jan 7, 2022 | Blog, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, LRF, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Tips & Tricks, Winter
Before winter hits, homeowners will start asking others, “how to save on their heating bills?” But, unfortunately, that isn’t always the best way to figure out what to do because hearing things through the grapevine often leads to misinformation. As...
by scottdebney | Dec 24, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, LRF, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Tips & Tricks, Winter
Living in Ohio, it’s one inexpensive state to live in; however, we never know what kind of weather will occur in the wintertime. With that being said, as a homeowner, it is recommended that you purchase warranties and insurance policies for your home. Doing so...
by scottdebney | Dec 17, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, LRF, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Thermostat, Winter
Sometimes, you don’t always know the answers to the questions you have with your heating equipment. No need to worry about your furnace, the professionals at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling have your back this winter! This article answers some frequently...