by Susan Denisi | Apr 1, 2024 | Best Practices, AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filters, Airflow, Do's and Don'ts, HVAC Myths, HVAC Tips, Maintenance, Preventative Care, Seasonal Checkups, Thermostat, Warranty
Happy April Fools’ Day! Today is a time to stay alert and avoid falling for simple jokes and pranks that may reveal your gullibility. While the exact origins of this day are unclear, it is a popular occasion for harmless fun – all in the spirit of laughter. However,...
by scottdebney | Sep 2, 2022 | AC, Blog, Ceiling Fan, Cool Air, Do's and Don'ts, Energy Costs, Energy Efficient, HVAC, LRF, LRF Maintenance, OH, Ohio
Prices continually increasing everywhere can be quite a budget buster. So, your LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling service professionals feel that saving money and being mindful of expenses is crucial. That’s an idea we enthusiastically support! When it comes to...