by Susan Denisi | Jul 6, 2023 | HVAC System, Age, Cooling, Corrosion, Drafty, Ductwork, Dust, Heating, HVAC History, HVAC Inspection, Inconsistent, Maintenance, Noises, Odors, Older System, Registers, Regulation, Rust, Stuffy, Temperature, Unit, Vents
Are you looking to buy a house? If you are, congratulations! Whether it’s the first time you are looking to purchase a house or not, buying a home is always exciting. It’s always thrilling to start looking around at potential homes that will fit your family’s...
by scottdebney | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Easy Automation, Installation, LRF, LRF Maintenance, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
Have you ever wondered what the differences are between window units and central air conditioning? Perhaps you have found yourself in an unavoidable circumstance where knowing the better choice of the two would greatly help you make the best decision for your family...
by scottdebney | Aug 5, 2022 | A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Cooling, HVAC, LRF, LRF Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Thermostat
Most of us likely have not thought too much about the cycle of the air conditioner and how everything functions. Truth be told, we don’t blame you! However, we do feel at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling that it’s important to become familiar with the parts of...
by scottdebney | Nov 2, 2021 | Cooling, HVAC, LRF, Maintenance, Winter
You may upgrade certain things you own before you do others; believe it or not, you’re not alone. A couple of particular items you may tend to replace or upgrade as soon as it starts to fail on you is your smartphone or even the furniture in your home. On the other...
by scottdebney | Oct 18, 2021 | Maintenance, Cooling, Heating, HVAC
Keeping up on your HVAC equipment is essential. We can never emphasize this too much. Nevertheless, far too many homeowners neglect professional maintenance or forget about it in the mix of today’s busy lifestyle. Busy or not, nonetheless, owning a home comes with...