by Susan Denisi | Aug 1, 2024 | Preventative Maintenance, A/C, Air Filters, Air Quality, Condenser, Condenser Coil, Drain Line, Ductwork, Environmental Footprint, Financial Savings, HVAC, Lifespan, Maintenance Tips, Seasonal Tune-ups, Thermostat, Warranty
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your cooling system running at its best and extending its lifespan. Keeping your home comfortable isn’t just about staying cool; it’s also about maintaining the safety and durability of your HVAC system. With...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 1, 2024 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filters, Airflow, Freezing, Frozen, Leak, Refrigerant, Temperature, Thermostat, Vents
Encountering a frozen air conditioner can be quite frustrating, especially during the hottest months of the year! It does leave the question as to how exactly an AC unit freezes up when it’s so hot outside. It’s a bit befuddling, we know. But at LRF...
by Susan Denisi | May 1, 2024 | Pollutants, Air Filters, Air Purifier, Airborne, Contaminants, Dehumidifier, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, iWave-R, Pollution, UV Lights, Whole-home
It’s National Clean Air Month – which means it’s the perfect time to talk about indoor air quality (IAQ). The quality of air within our homes plays a crucial but often overlooked role in our comfort and health. Frequently ignored because it’s not...
by Susan Denisi | Apr 1, 2024 | Best Practices, AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filters, Airflow, Do's and Don'ts, HVAC Myths, HVAC Tips, Maintenance, Preventative Care, Seasonal Checkups, Thermostat, Warranty
Happy April Fools’ Day! Today is a time to stay alert and avoid falling for simple jokes and pranks that may reveal your gullibility. While the exact origins of this day are unclear, it is a popular occasion for harmless fun – all in the spirit of laughter. However,...
by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Air Filters, Attic Insulation, Ceiling Fan, Condenser, Ductwork, HVAC Habits, HVAC System, Maintenance, Smart Thermostat, Vents
As we enter January, embracing the start of a new year filled with possibilities, it is likely that you have set New Year’s resolutions to improve various aspects of your life—financially, academically, physically, or personally. This age-old tradition, originating...