by Susan Denisi | Nov 1, 2024 | Circuit Breaker, Air Filter, Drain Pan, Ducts, Furnace, Heating, Power Source, Thermostat, Troubleshooting
If your furnace isn’t firing up, no need to stress; we’ve got some simple troubleshooting steps you can try. With winter upon us, it’s time for your furnace to step up for the season ahead. As a homeowner, you know there’s nothing worse than looking...
by Susan Denisi | Oct 1, 2024 | Air Filter, Allergens, Bacteria, Contaminants, Dirty Air Filter, Dust, Energy Bills, Germs, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Odors, Pollutants, Seasonal Changes
The consequences of a clogged air filter are scarier than you might think. Have you ever considered what happens when your HVAC air filters get clogged for too long? It may seem like a small issue, but blocked air filters can really mess with your indoor air quality...
by Susan Denisi | Dec 1, 2022 | Air Filter, Airflow Restriction, Cycling, Emergency Services Blog, Frozen Pipes, Furnace, Heat Pump, HVAC, LRF, Ohio, Pilot Light, Thermostat, Winter
If you’ve ever woken up to a cold home in the middle of the night only to find that your furnace has gone out, you’re not alone. This is a common problem during winter, but don’t worry, LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling can help! We want to...
by scottdebney | Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Fall, Fall Preparation, HVAC, iWaveR, LRF, LRF Maintenance, Ohio, Thermostat, Viruses
Doesn’t it feel like summer has flown by? Once again, we find ourselves at the start of fall – which for many of us means a new school year. If you are a seasoned homeowner, or perhaps this isn’t your first time starting a school year with your kids, then you are...
by scottdebney | Aug 5, 2022 | A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Cooling, HVAC, LRF, LRF Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Thermostat
Most of us likely have not thought too much about the cycle of the air conditioner and how everything functions. Truth be told, we don’t blame you! However, we do feel at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling that it’s important to become familiar with the parts of...
by scottdebney | Jun 7, 2022 | Vacation, AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, LRF, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat
When you think about summer, what is the first thing that surfaces in your mind? For many, it’s vacation! It’s the middle of the year and the hottest time of the season at that! It’s no wonder vacation may be on your mind. If you have ever planned a vacation before,...