by Susan Denisi | Aug 1, 2023 | AC, Age, Air Conditioner, Air Conditioning System, Brand, Condenser, Lifespan, Manufacture Date, Model, Nameplate, Online, Outdoor Unit, Serial Number
As a responsible homeowner, having a clear understanding of your HVAC unit’s age and condition is of utmost importance to ensure optimal performance and proper maintenance. But why is this knowledge so vital? Well, being aware of your air conditioner’s age...
by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Conditioning System, Cooling Unit, Energy Bills, Financing, Lifespan, R22, Refrigerant, Upgrade
Do you have an older AC unit? In anticipation of the summer season, have you assessed your existing AC system? Will it have the capability to keep your house cool throughout those hot days? Now would be an excellent time to contemplate if its efficiency is up-to-par...