Trying to understand your AC system can become complex and frustrating. However, to improve the longevity of your unit, it is vital to take excellent care of your system. To help treat your system with the ultimate professional care, our NATE- Certified techs at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling have assembled a top-five FAQ and their answers to learn more about your A/C System.
1. What Does the Abbreviation HVAC Represent?
HVAC is an acronym for the first letters of the fundamental parts of your home’s if this sound is loud and alarming heating and cooling system. The letters stand for the core functions of the system, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Including all units within your home that keep your air clean and the temperature steady. However, we will be centering around the Air Conditioning aspect of your system.
2. When does My Filter Need to be Switched?
You want to get in the habit of changing your AC unit’s air filter, at minimum, once every 90 days. Additionally, it is necessary to consider what time of the year it is, the size of your household, if you own any pets, how old your current unit is, and your demographics. However, if you are unsure when to change the filer and need to be pointed in the right direction, experts at LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling are here to help.
3. When is it a Good Time to Replace my AC unit?
Oftentimes, if you own your home, at some point, you will need to replace your AC unit. Your AC unit can last between 15-20 years with the proper care. When going through this process, keep in mind how updated your current system is, how frequently you use your AC and if you have maintained your system regularly. This includes changing your air filter at least every 90 days, as well as annual check-outs and tune-ups on your unit.
4. How I Decrease My Energy Output While Saving Money?
On average, in the United States, up to 50% of your home’s energy usage is consumed by your HVAC system. Fortunately, in today’s day and age, there are several ways in which you can save money while decreasing your energy output. Such as investing in a smart thermostat, investing in a home energy audit, and scheduling regular maintenance on your system. Utilizing these three things can help the longevity of your AC which ultimately, avoids wasting your home’s energy and saves money on your monthly utility bills. So, schedule your annual tune-up with LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling today.
5. Why Is My AC Making an Odd Sound?
Inevitably all AC units will make some noise. However, if this sound seems worrisome and loud, it could be a problem within the AC unit. If this odd noise is constant, our experts suggest scheduling a diagnostic. A certified technician can identify the problem and provide options during a diagnostic. Keep in mind; it is essential to locate where the noise originates because treating a mechanical issue is exceptionally different from treating an electrical one. If this is not taken care of promptly, there could be severe and expensive costs in your near future.
Need more information?
Do you have a question we didn’t answer? Call LRF Maintenance, Heating & Cooling today at (614) 837-4822, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!